Embark on the journey of a lifetime with our exceptional travel and tour company. Book your adventure today!

About Us

Who we are?

We are truly dedicated to make your travel experience as much simple and fun as possible!

Bringing you a modern, comfortable, and connected travel experience is one of our highest priorities and that’s why we continuously try to improve your experience when you book anything with us.

We are committed to offering travel services of the highest quality, combining our energy and enthusiasm, with our years of experience. Our greatest satisfaction comes in serving large numbers of satisfied clients who have experienced the joys and inspiration of travel. We actively trip the globe, bringing back “best of” recommendations for each other and our clients. Our travel advisors and support staff are energetic experts who work to craft trips that exceed your expectations and deliver you the best value on the market.

Who we are?

Chase Travels & Tours is a unique corporate travel consultant company and a full service leisure vacation specialist. We specialize in corporate travel, incentive travel, leisure travel, and group/ meeting planning. Our Related Services allows us to provide our clients with a global presence while we remain dedicated to the smallest detail. We are one of the largest full-service travel companies in Nigeria and one of the only local agencies to offer global purchasing power and great personalized customer care.

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